Sigma Sports Cycle
UNTIL Saturday 19th February

On Saturday the 19th of February at 9:00am Sigma Sports of Oakham are running their Late February Social Ride to get you out and about on two wheels meeting new people.
There will be a faster group travelling at approximately 15 – 18 mph which is ideal for those who are looking for a simple, social ride but still get home in time for lunch.
Group two will average 12-14mph, which is perfect for anyone new to the sport, or even for those who have been riding for a while but haven't ridden in a group before and would like to gain a bit more experience.
Both groups one and two will cover the same 48.8 kilometre route, which will head north out from the Sigma Sports Oakham store, heading through Whissendine before looping east to Wymondham. From there the ride heads to Sewstem and then begins the return leg to the store via Cottesmore and Ashwell.