
Phone app helps rescue dog from Rutland quarry

By The Editor

18th Mar 2021 | Local News

A dog has been rescued from a Rutland quarry using the locator App what3words!

The dog was trapped under rocks at the disused quarry after wandering off near Ketton.

Rutland Neighbourhood Watch says firefighters used the What3Words locator app to find the dog and its owner.

Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service control dispatched a crew from Oakham fire station to the scene "close to a disused quarry" to find the animal.

Its owner had raised the alarm shortly before 1pm Sunday March 14.

A fire service spokesman said: "We received the initial emergency call at 12.52pm to a report of a dog trapped under rocks close to a disused quarry in Ketton, in Rutland."

Because of the remote location of the incident - not far from Ketton Quarry, off Pit Lane, Ketton - firefighters turned to smartphone technology for help.

The spokesman said: "Due to remote location of this incident, the control operator and caller used What3Words to locate this incident to ensure crews could locate dog and the rescue could take place."

Commentators on the Rutland Neighbourhood Watch Facebook page say What3words is a very useful app and website that gives locations to the nearest 3 metre square. It is also free.


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