
Rutland NHS releases myth-busting videos

By Robert Alexander - Local Democracy Reporting Service

25th Jun 2024 | Local News

Rutland Memorial Hospital. Image credit: LRPT NHS Trust.
Rutland Memorial Hospital. Image credit: LRPT NHS Trust.

Leicestershire and Rutland Partnership NHS Trust (LRPT) has released two new videos to encourage people with learning difficulties to come forward for cervical screening.

Released as part of Learning Disability Week and Cervical Screening Awareness Week last week, the two videos feature people with learning disabilities.

The videos have been created by LRPTs Primary Care Liaison Nurse Team, LRPT's Agnes Unit and WHM Work Connections – a service that supports adults to get the skills they need to move into the workplace.

Both videos have been funded by the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland NHS Integrated Care Board (LLR).

The first video aims to separate facts and myths around cervical screening.

It features people with learning disabilities in conversation with a GP who answers many common questions people have, including whether a smear test is needed if the person has had an HPV vaccination and if a person needs to have a test if they have not had sexual intercourse: https://youtu.be/d0M7JEnDNhY

The second video shares an experience of a cervical screening appointment, which illustrates what happens, and aims to help with the anxiety that some people may have prior to booking or attending an appointment: https://youtu.be/U8DHFXeKrBk

Paula Watts, primary care liaison nurse at LRPT, who was involved in the production of the films, said: "It's so important that we raise awareness of cervical screening especially for those with learning disabilities. We hope these videos can provide information to support people who are booking and attending their appointment."

Mark Roberts, associate director at LRPT and lead for the LLR LDA Collaborative, said: "We believe that all people with a learning disability have the fundamental right to live good, happy lives where they are seen and feel valued. Improving the cervical screening uptake for people with learning disabilities and autistic people is a priority which we will continue to work on."

Leicestershire and Rutland Partnership NHS Trust provides community health, mental health and learning disabilities services for the one million people living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. It has a budget of more than £395 million and employs approximately 7,100 staff.


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