The Subtle Science and Exact Art of Colour in English Garden Design
Victoria Hall Oakham
UNTIL Thursday 23rd January
The Oakham Arts Society is hosting a talk titled: "The Subtle Science and Exact Art of Colour in English Garden Design"
In 1882 Gertrude Jekyll wrote a short but seminal article in The Garden in which she urged the readers to "remember that in a garden we are painting a picture".
As an accomplished watercolour artist, Miss Jekyll was familiar with the principles of using colours, but she felt that in gardens these principles "had been greatly neglected".
This talk by Timothy Walker looks at how to apply these principles in designing a border, but it also looks at the ways in which a border is different from a painting.
However, it goes further than this and looks at how contemporary work of the likes of Turner, Monet, Rothko, Jackson Pollack evolved in parallel with ideas about what a garden or border should show
The photograph shows The East Front Garden Front of Farnley Hall near Otley, with the Flower Garden and a Sundial by J. M. W. Turner