D'Ukes Christmas Concert at Oakham Castle
Oakham Castle, Oakham, Rutland
UNTIL Saturday 16th December

Set in the historic and spectacular surroundings of the Great Hall of Oakham Castle, The D'ukes of Rutland are performing a free Christmas entertainment on Saturday 16 December at 1.30pm.
Songs From the Movies is the performance's title and the D'ukes have spent the last 6 months researching and trying out some memorable songs from the last 80 years of Cinema. Their choice was limited by versatility of the ukulele and their vocal skills.
They will be covering songs recorded by a range of artists from Bing Crosby to Steppenwolf, and the Beatles to Roy Orbison. The twenty or so D'ukes are accompanied by musical friends on bass, cajon and banjo. Don't expect George Formby think more George Harrison a real ukulele oficionado.
The D'ukes have given a number of concerts since they last appeared in the Castle in the summer. In that time they have raised well over £1000 which they have donated to the Ukraine appeal, Rutland Food Bank and Children in Need. This concert aims to raise funds for the Friends of Oakham Castle.
The concert starts at 1.30 but it's best to be a little earlier as seating is limited in the Great Hall. Castle Cafe is open for refreshments and the Castle staff will rearrange the courtroom furniture so you have the chance to enjoy the concert from the dock!