
How To Trick Or Treat Safely

By The Editor

28th Oct 2019 | Local News

Trick or treat poster Rutland police
Trick or treat poster Rutland police

A special poster is available to Rutlanders who don't want trick-or-treaters knocking on their doors this week – as the emergency services try to reduce the number of 999 calls made on Halloween regarding anti-social behaviour.

Last year 816 incidents were reported to officers across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland in the 24 hour period of October 31, including calls about anti-social behaviour related to trick or treating. Some 413 of these incident calls came through on the 999 emergency line.

The force hopes to reduce the number of complaints about Halloween related anti-social behaviour this year, while also encouraging people to trick or treat respectfully.

Superintendent Grant Wills who leads the Contact Management Department said: "We want people to enjoy Halloween, but it's important to remember that the actions of a few can cause unnecessary alarm and distress. We're asking trick or treaters to respect people's wishes and only go where they are welcome. We also ask that they don't play tricks on people that cause them to report it to the police.

"The force has a poster available to download for those who wish to say a polite 'No thanks' message to any trick or treaters on their door or window and we would ask that this is respected by everyone.

"We would also ask that people only call 999 in an emergency."

Councillor Alan Walters, Cabinet Member for Community Safety at Rutland County Council and Chair of the Safer Rutland Partnership, said: "We want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable Halloween, whether you're celebrating or not.

"It's important that residents feel safe and are reassured that people won't be knocking on their door at night if they don't want visitors. Likewise, we want trick-or-treaters to have a great time, take care and think about their own safety while out and about."

The fire service is also encouraging parents to be vigilant with candles and fancy dress costumes.

Wayne Gale, Station Manager at Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service, said: "Whether you are celebrating Halloween at home or out and about, we want everyone to enjoy themselves safely.

"If you are dressing up for Halloween, make sure fancy-dress costumes and masks are labelled as flame-resistant. Don't use flammable materials to make home-made costumes and be especially careful if you use bin liners as capes.

"To limit the risk of fire and children being exposed to naked flames, consider using battery-operated LED tea lights rather than candles in pumpkins.

"Please visit the Celebrate Safely website for more information on how to keep you and your family safe. A few minutes of your time could help protect you, your family and your friends as well as your property and belongings."

Download the poster using the red button under this story.


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