Residents invited to comment on Ketton & Tinwell Neighbourhood Plan

Rutland County Council is inviting representations on the Draft Ketton & Tinwell Neighbourhood Plan, which has been formally submitted by Ketton Parish Council and Tinwell Parish Meeting and covers the whole area of both parishes.
This follows the passing of the Oakham and Barleythorpe Neighbourhood Plan in May of this year, and the upcoming vote on the Langham neighbourhood Plan scheduled for the 15th of December 2022.
The Neighbourhood Plan sets out how Ketton and Tinwell should be developed over the period to 2041 and has been prepared by Ketton & Tinwell Joint Neighbourhood Plan Group following consultation with the local community. It includes policies covering design, housing, historic heritage and character.
Comments can be made until 5.00pm on Friday the 23rd of December 2022.
The submission plan and supporting documents are available on the Neighbourhood Planning pages of Rutland County Council's website.
Representations must be made in writing and can be submitted in the following ways:
- Emailed to: [email protected]
- Posted to: Planning Policy, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP
Once this consultation has closed, all representations and comments received will be passed to an independent examiner who will consider the representations and recommend whether the Neighbourhood Plan should be put to a community referendum.
If you have any questions about the Ketton & Tinwell Neighbourhood Plan, please email: [email protected] or telephone 01572 722 577 and ask for the Planning Policy Team.
The full list of areas receiving a Neighbourhood Plan are:
- Barrowden & Wakerley (made)
- Cottesmore (made)
- Edith Weston (made)
- Greetham (made)
- Langham (made)
- Uppingham (made)
- Oakham & Barleythorpe (made)
- Ketton & Tinwell
- Market Overton
- North Luffenham
- Whissendine
- Wing
Rutland County Council have said: "the Neighbourhood Planning gives local communities the opportunity to shape development and growth in their area through the Localism Act 2011. Once 'made' (adopted), they become part of the statutory development plan for the area, and the policies and proposals contained within them used in the determination of planning applications, including appeals."

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